Words Matter: “Victim” or “Survivor”

Domestic violence and sexual assault experiences can be difficult for individuals to feel comfortable speaking about with others. When referring to the individual who experienced these traumatic events, it is important to refer to them in an appropriate way. Many well-meaning community members are uncertain whether the term "victim" or "survivor" is best.   A victim is typically used to refer to someone who has recently been abused or experienced domestic or sexual violence. Whereas ... Read more

The Ripple Effect of Domestic Violence: How it Touches an Entire Community

When domestic violence occurs, it may seem like an isolated event, affecting just one person or a single household. But in reality, the impact extends much further. Like a pebble dropped into a pond, the effects of domestic violence ripple outward, touching not only the survivor but also their children, family, friends, workplace, and the entire community. By understanding this ripple effect, we realize that addressing domestic violence is more than just helping one individual--it's about he ... Read more

The Silent Struggle: Why Men Are Less Likely to Report

One in 10 men in the U.S. has experienced contact sexual violence, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner and suffered some form of related impact. The Centers for Disease Control confirms what so many quietly endure. But the reality of male victims of domestic violence remains deeply buried beneath societal expectations and gender stereotypes.  Traditionally, intimate partner violence is portrayed as a woman's issue, with men cast as perpetrators. This stigma leads ... Read more

Survivor Resource Center’s High-Risk Team: The Life-Saving Power of Collaboration

Opening in February 2021, the Survivor Resource Center is the precursor to The Umbrella Center, Charlotte-Mecklenburg's family justice center. It serves victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, and human trafficking. Cases are referred to the Survivor Resource Center by community partners, and within the referral form, partners are asked whether the individual is at high risk.  Safe Alliance's threshold for determining if the situation is high risk is if ... Read more

In an emergency please dial 911

Call the Greater Charlotte Hope Line 24/7 for info on parenting, domestic violence and sexual assault 980.771.4673.

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